Harmony Apple with Lady Bug & Dragon Fly Amulet (7261)
Harmony Apple with Lady Bug & Dragon Fly Amulet (7261)
Keeps all your relationships strong
In Chinese culture, the word apple sounds like the word for “peace,” so apples always carry the meaning of smooth and harmonious relationships. When apples are bright red, they also exhaust the conflict energies of the Quarrelsome Star. This harmonious apple amulet comes with the Peace and Anti-Conflict amulets to reduce disagreements, protect against grudges and jealousy, and improve the quality of all your relationships.
Clip onto your bag to ensure your relationships stay harmonious, your friendship bonds stay strong, your work relationships stay collaborative, and your alliances stay impervious to ill influences of all kinds, whether from ill-meaning third parties or unfortunate events or circumstances.
Benefits all signs but is especially useful for signs afflicted by the #3 Conflict Star or any of the Yearly Conflict stars from the 24 Mountains (in 2025, there are 5 Yearly Conflict stars, affecting the Rat, Ox, Dragon, Snake, Sheep, Monkey, and Dog.)